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Pinner Taekwon-do is proudly affiliated with the British United Taekwondo Federation.


The British United Taekwondo Federation

Founded in 1988 by Grandmaster R Choy IX Dan, the BUTF has since grown to become one of the most widely respected Taekwon-do federations in the UK.

Since the passing of Grandmaster Choy, the BUTF is now presided over by Grandmaster Au, IX Dan black belt, assisted by other senior Taekwon-do Masters including Master A Manning, VIII Dan, under whom Mr G Kambo and Mr R Kambo of Pinner Taekwon-do both trained.


The BUTF prides itself on maintaining the highest standards. It insists that core principles are followed by all affiliated clubs, including Pinner Taekwon-do. These include following a strict syllabus and grading criteria for students wishing to progress through the ranks.

In the BUTF, all instructors must pass through the strictest assessments to achieve their black belt grades and to be recognised as instructors. The oversight of the parent federation is vital to maintaining these highest standards.

BUTF Tournaments and Courses​


As part of the BUTF, students of Pinner Taekwon-do are able to attend regular tournaments held by the BUTF. These include the annual BUTF British Championships, open to both colour belt and black belt competitors.

At such tournaments, students have the opportunity to compete in sparring, patterns and destruction of boards. All referees and judges maintain strict standards of conduct and attend regular Umpires Courses run by the BUTF. Our tournaments are held in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere and families and supporters are encouraged to attend.

The BUTF also holds regular training courses for both colour belts and black belts. In these, students get the chance to meet instructors and students from other BUTF-affiliated clubs and have the opportunity to further develop elements of their Taekwon-do training.

The BUTF and Affiliate Clubs​


The British United Taekwon-do Federation has numerous affiliated clubs, including our own. See below for more detail on the BUTF itself, plus some of the local Taekwond-do clubs closely affiliated with Pinner Taekwon-do:


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